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A Fateful Meeting Remembered

“Whatever we do, if we really love it, don’t let the broker see how much!” 

Hmmm, not so sure how well we actually contained our excitement six years ago today when we went to see OLOH for the very first time, before she was OLOH.  After having just walked away from another boat, days before we were about to close (that’s a whole ‘nother story), we were admittedly feeling a bit sorry for ourselves.  But after diving right back into the listings, we spied the boat that would be OLOH.  Smaller than what we were originally looking for, lacking a few things the other boat had, but very intriguing and seemingly in beautiful condition – and about three hours away from us.

The afternoon before that first in-person viewing, we showed the listing to dear friends of ours and voiced our skepticism. They said, “tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day – get in the car and go see it!  What have you got to lose?”  Thank you Pam and Bruce.

After connecting with the broker who assured us, “you will not be disappointed” (yeah, right Mr. Broker), we made it a date and boogied to Connecticut where she was tucked away after a winter’s slumber in heated indoor storage (that was a good sign).  And while there are myriad details and sorted sagas about the protracted summer-long purchase process, you know how the story ended.  Hard to believe it has been six years since that fateful meeting.

OLOH as she was the very first time we saw her.

We are so appreciative of the amazing experiences OLOH has afforded us.  We take our custodianship seriously, hence the comprehensive yard period we are winding down, addressing maintenance items and upgrades as we prepare for the Adventures Of OLOH to continue very, very soon.

And we thank you for being a part of our journey.  Stay tuned…

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. My husband and I just bought a Princess 45 in Mallorca and we are taking delivery on 5/27/23. I have studied many of your vids (OK, I have watched them all) for procedures and common sense boating tips - good stuff. Today I am receiving a set of headphones like you guys wear because shouting can lead to conflict LOL - I will remember to keep my bossy gene at bay too. I can't wait to get out on the Med this Summer, I'm sure it will be amazing. Have you guys ever thought about shipping your boat to the Med for a new experience?
    1. Thanks for the kind words Don. What an exciting time for you guys! We have absolutely thought about shipping to the Med. What an adventure that would be and it is something we will continue to ruminate on. Please let us know how it all goes and be sure to enjoy every moment, even the challenging ones. Cheers!
  2. Great story! We had a similar experience. A friend of ours told us to "go see" the boat that eventually became our Carino. It was slightly bigger than what we were looking for (40 feet) but was a short hour away in Tampa. I fell in love with the Mainship Sedan Bridge 40 as soon as I walked in. Within an hour we had made an offer and the owner accepted it. It so happens we looked at our boat about the same time you guys were looking at the future OLOH. Thanks for sharing your experience from 6 years ago.
    1. That's great. Sometimes things need to grow on you, but it's really the best when you see something and just know it's right. See you out there!
  3. She sure was very good looking when you first saw her but under your custodian(ship) She certainly now is in even greater glory than when she was born..... Can't wait to be on board again! Peace and Love
    1. And the people who have spent time on board have made her energy what it is. Can't wait to have you back! P&L
  4. Why am I not surprised to see AJ with a check sheet in hand? You guys have done an amazing job of making OLOH a home. Can't wait to see the latest improvements. We're heading your way...slowly!
    1. Ha! And it will probably not surprise you to know we took about 200 pictures and videos that day. Can't wait to see you guys!

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