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OLOH TV – To Hell Gate and The Long Island Sound

In our previous video we took you down New York’s Hudson River from Catskill to Croton-On-Hudson.  In the sequel we’ll show you our Half Moon Bay Marina departure in real time, but did we fix that failed bow thruster?  We’ll take you down the rest of the mighty Hudson with its spectacular scenery on full display, ultimately cruising alongside the iconic New York City skyline before reaching the southern tip of Manhattan.  Then it’s up the East River with its wicked current and on into the notorious Hell Gate – but was it really hell?  From there we head out to the Long Island Sound for a wonderful homecoming of sorts at a fantastic marina.

Join in on the ride…

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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Missed seeing you and OLOH. Thank you for showing your October cruise thru hells gate. It brought back happy memories when the wife and I purchased our 40ft Mainship trawler ‘Wanderlust’ in Connecticut and came thru hells gate on our way south to Virginia Beach,Va. where we lived at the time. Thank you for the nostalgia it had brought us cruising on the Hudson river going south past Manhattan after completing our summer cruise north to Canada. In 1994 the wife and I spent the summer cruising from Virginia Beach to Montreal via Hudson River, Erie Barge Canal and St.Lawrence Seaway. And then the Rideau Canal. It was the most wonderful cruising experience. Thank you for bringing back that wonderful experience. Even at 82 I still get that urge to do it again. We are now doing bay boating on our dayboat and we are nestled looking out over the ICW in Osprey,Fl. Will be looking out for you on your beautiful OLOH when you are back on your new adventure south. Wishing you both health and more happy cruising. Irwin
    1. Thank you so much Irwin! That's a great story and we're always so happy to hear when someone has a personal connection to something we've put out there. Sounds like you have an amazing spot. We hope to hear you calling out to us from shore someday. Cheers!
    1. We had an issue earlier in the year where a thruster battery connection came loose and there was some arcing. While we can't know for sure that that was the cause, it's a pretty good bet and explains why our thruster appeared to weaken as time went on since then. But we'll be keeping a close eye on it for sure.
  2. Everyone looks fantastic as does OLOH. As always very excellent production. Thanks again for the ride along. Peace and Love Pauly
  3. Great episode! As soon-to-be owners of a 65’ trawler, would love to see an episode regarding food prep/stock for a long voyage. So envious of the amazing dishes and drinks created by Admiral Tim. How much is stocked in the freezer and galley and how much is procured along the way? Thanks!
  4. Hi, have you ever thought of going north? I have made the trip in the '60's - from the Great Lakes through the Welland Canal, across Lake Ontario to the Trent and Rideau rivers. Up to the hydraulic lift lock at Peterborough and back down to Lake Ontaio. Up the St. Lawerence to Atlantic Ocean and back down St Lawerence to Champlain Canal - south through the canal and Lake Champlain and down to Albany and the Hudson. The trip is not loaded with a lot party boaters but has a lot of hstory and scenery. Took the trip in a 36' Inland Seas (steel) Express. Love your videos but would like to see them numbered and dated more. Jim
    1. Hi James! We would love to cruise the areas you mention and so appreciate the history and beauty (we have no interest in joining up with party boaters). We did make it to Lake Champlain years ago in our 37 footer. Unfortunately, OLOH is too tall for the Erie Canal without some major modifications so we're not sure we'll ever make the trip on her. But we never say never. Cheers!
  5. Greetings OLOH Crew and Jasper, Hope you are all doing well. Are there any new cruising videos in the future? We hope so. We always enjoy your adventures. Our boating adventures are limited to the middle Chesapeake Bay Area. Although, years ago we cruised the ICW …South NJ shore towns and Delaware Bay. Hope to see new videos soon! Cheers and wishing you calm seas.⚓️ Trudi and Brad Heindel
    1. Hi Trudi and Brad! Thanks so much for your kind words. There are indeed more videos in the future! We do love all that the Chesapeake has to offer and hope to spend some time focusing on cruising there in the future. Hope to see you out there!

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