When your friends need a hand getting their 70 foot motor yacht down the east…
Dog Days Of Summer
In ancient times, in both Greek and Roman cultures, the period when the star Sirius would rise and set with the sun was known as diēs caniculārēs, or “dog days.” Sirius is the brightest star visible from any part of Earth. It’s part of the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog, and that’s also why Sirius is referred to as the Dog Star. Romans actually believed that Sirius also gave off heat like the sun did and that is what made the long days so hot and unbearable…
This brings us to The Dog Days of Summer, which happen 20 days before and 20 days after Sirius aligns with the sun — this year the Dog Days began on July 23rd.
Now, there was a list of things attributed to those ancient beliefs; During the dogs days, bad luck would abound, there would be more thunderstorms suddenly popping up, there would be drought, people would get fevers and become lethargic and lazy…AND…wait for it… there would be mad dogs!
Well, we are here to tell you they got the last one correct. If the word “Whaler” was mentioned and Jasper didn’t get to go on it, he was one mad dog. Heat be damned! If the words “swimming” or “sand beach” were uttered and we weren’t on our way to make that happen, Jasper was one mad dog! Heat be damned!
In ancient times, natural remedies were concocted to cure the ails of the afflicted. We found that to be sound logic. Our remedy for mad dog was quite simple… a healthy little combination of Boston Whaler and water! And wouldn’t you know it? He hasn’t been mad once during these dog days…

Whenever we’re out cruising, someone invariably looks at Jasper and comments to us, “I want to come back as that dog!”
It’s hard to argue with that – he is living the good life for sure. And don’t worry, the Dog Days of Summer officially ended this year on August 23rd! We hope you enjoyed these shots of Jasper enjoying his summer and know that it’s OK to believe in reincarnation… the ancient Romans did!
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And that concludes your OLOH instructions. M/Y OLOH back to 1-6.
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