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The Art Of The Pivot

A few months ago as we were gearing up for our trip from the Florida Keys to New York aboard OLOH, a close friend asked if we would ever consider using a delivery crew for the trip.  It’s about twenty-six days of travel.  Combine that with weather or other delays and taking a few days to enjoy a port here and there, the trip can easily take five to six weeks.  That’s a lot of time to carve out when you have stuff to attend to in other places.  But our response was a resolute “no.”  We just couldn’t imagine handing over OLOH’s keys to anyone for a variety of reasons.

Well, about a week into the journey some things came up and we suddenly found that we were not in a position to take the time needed to complete the trip.  We were committed to bringing OLOH back to the northeast this season and didn’t want to leave it somewhere else.  This meant opening our minds to the idea of a delivery captain after all.  

Our first call was to our dear friends Jeff and Karen (if you’re a boater you know them as the founders of Active Captain and appreciators of a good Old Fashioned).  They are on a very short list of people we unequivocally trust when it comes to advice or resources having anything to do with boating and clear ice.  Without hesitation they recommended their friends, the husband and wife team of Captain Bob and Pam Shircliff.  Bob and Pam are longtime, well-seasoned boaters with tens of thousands of miles under their collective keels.  They have a spectacular 64’ Grand Alaskan of a similar vintage to OLOH with many of the same systems and did the Great Loop on one of their former boats, a Jefferson (OLOH is a Jefferson).  In addition to deliveries they specialize in training.  After our first phone conversation with them they felt like old friends and the decision to hire them was a no-brainer.  We feel very fortunate that they were able to work us into their schedule.

For the first time ever, we watch as OLOH leaves the dock. But our minds were at ease with her excellent new crew.

It was very strange for us (and Jasper) to watch from the dock as OLOH departed Fernandina Beach.  And while we were disappointed to have to walk away from our floating home and the adventure of bringing her north, we knew she was in extraordinarily capable hands.  They have run OLOH as we run her and have taken care of her as if she was their own.  There have been a few mechanical hiccups along the way and they managed everything that came up capably and professionally.  And to everyone along the way who stopped by OLOH or hailed “us” on the radio during their journey, Bob and Pam have passed along all of your kind greetings.  We’ll see you out there another time!   

So it will be a bit longer before we continue to post about our adventures, but essential to the cruising lifestyle is having the ability to pivot, and doing your best to make smart decisions that work for you.  We’ll be back on the move before too long and look forward to having you along for the adventure! 


This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Wow. Good for you guys. I know you have lots going on up here in NY. Can't wait to see you and see OLOH again... Peace and Love Pauly
  2. How disappointing for you not to be able to complete the journey north. Not to mention the stress of having to make the decision to turn the boat over to someone else ! But how fortunate that you wee able to find Captain Bob & Pam Shircliff to complete the journey for you. I look forward to hearing “the rest of the story”. Thank you for continuing to share your story with these of us who live “vicariously” through you !
  3. It was our pleasure to work for AJ and Tim! OLOH is a beautiful, seaworthy vessel and we were privileged to deliver her north. Thanks for the opportunity to be of service!
  4. Sorry you could not complete your trip. But I know you will be having many more OLOH trips in your future. I am hoping to vicariously share them with you. Best wishes,Irwin in Sarasota,Fl
  5. My heart was hurting when I saw the picture of OLOH leaving without you, Tim and Jasper. But a great decision no doubt. Seems like the people you entrusted are top-notch. Praying for more wonderful times ahead. Sending you guys love from Lauren and Jeff Stover, Knot Dreamin, Ft. Lauderdale.
  6. Happy to hear that OLOH has been safely delivered for you. We hope to see you all up North on the Hudson! Alicia & Armand, Playpen
  7. So glad to hear OLOH back home and safe. Hoping the same for you guys!! Our best to you...George and Donna
  8. Your experience provides a service …and a happy experience. Many of us with MY in the 60’+ range who are ‘owner-operators’ (without crew) have thought about hiring someone for delivery from time to time but always dismissed it. Who could we trust? I don’t know anyone who has done it for a boat our size? Will they be careful stewards? So happy to know of Capt Bob and Pam. Thank you for sharing. We will keep their number in our back pocket for when the need arises.
  9. Too bad, but hope you can open up more time for a New England cruise this summer. Announce to all if you make it to Narragansett bay -- I'll keep an eye out for you as I roam around in my center console.

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